A downloadable game

As a demon in human form, you want to hold hand of as many people as you can. Of course,  people are not going to just give you their hands. Luckily you have a power to see their deepest materialistic desires, and all the goods are just lying around on the ground. Just bring an item to a stranger and grab their hand! Sounds easy enough, right?

Well, you should also watch out for paladins, their light will revail your true form (which is quite useless since it doesn't have hands). And your lovely strangers are always in move, so you need to be close to them. Oh, did I mention you only have two minutes of time to grab all of hands on level? Don't worry, you can always escape!


  • semi-random maps
  • theoretically infinite number of levels (probably crashes at some point)
  • lots of hands to grab
  • lots of gifts to give
  • villagers that never sleep and always have somewhere to go

Graphics and sounds are free assets. Detailed informations with links are provided in readme file.


I Just Want To Hold A Hand.zip 9.3 MB


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I enjoyed how both the theme and the mechanics were simple but felt good when combined. The holding hands part confused me, since it seemed like it was going to be something important, but there didn't seem to be anything except a heart effect (not even a heal). The only real criticism I have is that the collision of some objects felt a little bit off compared to their visual (or maybe it had to do with more of the player's movement, not sure).

Thanks for comment! :)

Holding hands was giving points over time (there was a coin sound each time you got some points, multiplied by level). Issue with collisions was that they were 100% tile based, so they didn't match objects perfectly. Integration with some proper map editor is on my todo list for future jams haha